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We’re so glad you took time to visit us here at Terrigal.

We are a church for all ages where young and old learn from God’s Word together and encourage each other to live for Jesus every day.

We are keen to reach our community for Christ and invite you to join us.

There are a variety of activities and meetings throughout the week, with our main focus on the Family Service every Sunday morning at 9am. For information about our weekly activities, please see our “Activities & Events” page.

Where is the church?

The church building is located at 2 Willoughby Road, Terrigal, with ample parking in the reserve behind the church hall.

Terrigal Presbyterian Church - from Willoughby Road

When’s church?

The service begins promptly at 9am. The first 20 minutes or so of each service is geared towards children and adults singing, praying and learning together.

What happens during the service?

We sing a mixture of traditional and contemporary hymns and songs. We pray, we read the Bible (available on the projector screen for ease of reading), and listen to what it means to be a child of God in the context of the Bible passages read to us.

During school terms there is Sunday school for primary aged children part way through the service.

And we really don’t mind if your children act like children or your baby cries (they do that, sometimes).

What can I do afterwards?

After the service, you are most welcome to visit with tea and coffee served most mornings al fresco beside the beautiful Terrigal Lagoon.

Terrigal Lagoon