Activities and Events

For us church is more than a service.  It’s people sharing their lives and helping each other to live for Jesus every day. 

During the week we have a range of activities and events for different age groups including Kids Club, Youth Group, Bible studies, prayer meetings, and special events for men, women and families.

9am Sunday Family Service

We meet each Sunday morning at 9am. For details, please contact the Church Office.

Weekly Groups (during School Term)

For details, please contact the Church Office.

DayTime / Group
Wednesday7:30pm — Adults Growth Group – contact Church Office
Thursday9:30am — Littlies by the Lake – contact Mel – see “Children’s Ministry”
Friday9:30am — Prayer meeting (at Church) – contact Church Office
1:00pm — KYB (Know Your Bible) – contact Sheila
7:30pm — Nightlife — Young Adults – contact James or Cassie
Sunday10:30am — After service – contact Stephen
Whole Church Events

Below are some of the “Whole Church” events for the coming year.

Sunday 6th April, 10:30amBring and Share lunch
(April / May) t.b.a.Church Picnic – a fun afternoon for our church family to fellowship together
Sunday 29th June, 10:30amBring and share lunch after Church
Sunday 27th July thru 17th AugustChristianity Explained – a four week course designed to help individuals in their foundational understanding of faith in Jesus Christ
Sunday 3rd Aug., 10:30amBring and share lunch after Church
Sunday 5th Oct., 10:30amBring and share lunch after Church
Saturday 6th Dec., 6pm – 9pmChristmas Carols (with sausage sizzle)
Children’s Ministry

We have an enthusiastic group of children involved in a range of programs. 

Sunday School

Sunday School runs during the second half of the 9 am service during school terms.

A crèche room is available for parents of younger children.

Littlies by the Lake

Littlies by the Lake is for all parents, carers and their 0 – 6 year olds
Allergy friendly morning tea provided
Family fee of $3 per week or $25 per term

Join us during school terms for songs, stories, craft, toys and more.
Enjoy our beautiful, safely fenced, lakeside location and meet other parents and carers while your children have loads of fun.

For more information, Phone Mel 0402 675 571 or see our Facebook page

Men’s Ministry

Men’s events are held on a regular basis to encourage men in their walk with the Lord and fellowship with each other. This includes men’s breakfasts and occasional men’s series aimed at equipping men in their various roles as husbands, fathers, grandparents and men of God.

Term 1 — 9am – , Sat. 29th MarchMeeting the Challenge – “Live stream”
Term 2 — 6pm (t.b.a. – May)Dinner with Guest Speaker
Term 3 — t.b.a.
Term 4 — t.b.a.

For details of these events, please see the “Special Events” page as we come closer to the date.

Bible study groups through the week also cater for men in their spiritual growth and support for each other.

Women’s Ministry

KYB (Know Your Bible) meets regularly on Friday afternoons from 1:00pm.

KYB uses a question and answer learning method, reinforced by group discussion, summaries and review notes. This straightforward approach is designed to help all people engage with the richness of God’s word for themselves.

For more information about KYB visit

Other events – including breakfasts and study days – are held on a quarterly basis to encourage women in their faith and reach others for Christ.

Term 1 — t.b.a.
Term 2 — 9am – 3pm, Sat. 21st JuneEquip Conference – “Live stream” including lunch
Term 3 — t.b.a.
Term 4 — 10am – 12md, Sat. 13th Dec.Gingerbread House Making

For details of these events, please see the “Special Events” page as we come closer to the date.

Youth Ministry

Youth group caters for teenagers (Year 7 to 12) and meets on Friday evenings during school terms. Our focus is on seeing young people come to faith in Jesus and grow to maturity.  Our program includes a range of fun activities and a short talk from the Bible, followed by supper.

Special Events

Throughout the year we have a variety of Special Events. These can be view on their own “Special Events” page.

Calendar of Upcoming Events

(to add this Calendar to your on-line calendar, click the ‘Add to Google Calendar’ link at the bottom left corner)