About our Church

Mission: What we do as a Church…

Terrigal Presbyterian Church exists to glorify God, proclaiming Christ through Bible based teaching in a loving church family so that all may grow in God’s grace and reach others for Christ.

Values: What really matters to us as a Church…

  • Prayer – We value prayer as a priority which undergirds all decisions and activities of our church; demonstrating and teaching this within our congregation (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).
  • Preaching – We value preaching that is biblically based, preached in sincerity and truth with passion and joy so that our understanding of the word can be put into practice (2 Timothy 4:2).
  • Fellowship – We value meeting together and fellowship among the believers, encouraging all to use their gifts for mutual encouragement and growth of the body (Hebrews 10:23-25).
  • Discipleship – We value discipleship that teaches, mentors and matures people in their knowledge and love for Christ, acknowledging the cost of commitment in being His followers (Matthew 28:18-20, Mark 8:34).
  • Children, Young People and their Families – We value children, young people and their families within our Church family, seeking to nurture them in the Lord and encourage the use of their gifts in Christ’s service.  We seek to provide a range of activities for children, young people and their families within a safe, child-friendly environment (Mark 10:14).
  • Evangelism – We value outreach that is gospel focused, based on love and relevant to our times (Matthew 28:18-20).
  • Pastoral Ministry – We value pastoral ministry for a diversity of ages and life situations that provides compassionate support and concern (Galatians 6:2).
  • Small groups – We value small groups centred on Bible study, fellowship, prayer and hospitality (Acts 2:42).
  • Support for Ministry – We value support for ministry that empowers and equips people to serve, ensuring open communication, ongoing training, and appropriate resources, finance and facilities for effective ministry for Christ (Ephesians 4:11-15).

Vision: What we will be as a Church…

God willing, our vision for Terrigal Presbyterian Church in the next 3-5 years is for us to be a church family:

  • That underpins everything with prayer to God our Father through the name of Jesus and the leading of the Holy Spirit.
  • Committed to nurturing and discipling adults, young people and children to live out the gospel of God’s grace in everyday life.
  • Built up by excellent Bible teaching that is true , faithful and Christ centred.
  • That praises and thanks God through joyful worship in song, word and deed, depending on Jesus in all things.
  • Nurtured in Bible study, fellowship, prayer and hospitality through small groups.
  • Providing love and respect, trust and open communication, showing the light of Christ, in a place of refuge, safety and hope.
  • With a heart for the lost that is actively engaged in evangelism that is gospel centred.
  • Welcoming and accepting outsiders through offering friendship, support and the love of Christ in the midst of life’s challenges.
  • Committed to building relationships with children, youth and their families where they are continually nurtured and challenged to work out in practical ways what it means to follow Christ.
  • That empowers and equips current and future ministries so that they are sustainable and able to grow, through providing resources, facilities, training and additional workers, for the benefit of our own congregation and the wider church.

Pathway: How we make progress as disciples in God’s Church…

“Connect Grow Serve” is our discipleship pathway, which also serves as 3 major purposes for the Lord’s Church. We are on a journey in growing as God’s disciples and it is important we make progress in our journey to become more like Jesus.


  • We want to connect with God
  • We want to connect with one another
  • We want to see the entire world connect with God
  • And we want to connect newcomers to our Church


It is important we keep growing as God’s disciples. As we expose ourselves to God’s Word and keep digging deeper into it both together and as individuals, God will help us grow to maturity in him by the power of his word and spirit. We believe a key place we can grow together is by joining a growth group bible study or by meeting one to one together to read the Bible.


We are called together in God’s Church and each given spiritual gifts by God to serve his kingdom. Serving is how we can live out our ministry for Christ in this world. A key way we can serve in the local church is by joining a ministry team and serving Christ together in local church ministry.

It’s important that we move along this pathway ‘Connect, Grow, Serve’, taking more steps along the pathway as we grow to maturity in God.